146 Things to Do Besides Self-Harm
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Adolescent Self Injury Foundation
You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are not expected to deal with it by yourself. We can help by providing you those first steps towards happiness: Know that help is available.
Treatment is available for people who injure themselves. To learn about it, try talking to a professional person around you; someone like your school counselor. If you’re not comfortable with that, think about contacting your local mental health association.
Know you are not alone. Because other teenagers like yourself self-injure, it’s likely that there are people around who can understand and can help. Know you can get better. This is a difficult time in your life. However, with help, you can get to the point where you don’t hurt yourself anymore.
Get help. Now is the best time to get help with this problem. If you wait, the problem will only get bigger and soon everyone will know about it. But if you find a way to meet it head on today, you’ll be free of it and free to get on with your life.
Talk to Someone. Going to your school’s counseling center is a good place to start.
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