Posts tagged Mental Health
Youth Council Travels to Albany for Mental Health Matters Day!

A few members of our Pelham Together Youth Council traveled to Albany for Mental Health Matters Day to advocate for more resources and policy related to youth mental health. They heard speakers from different NYS positions and advocates from other schools and spoke individually with their elected officials, Senator Nathalia Fernandez and Assembly Member Amy Paulin. Youth leaders are the BEST leaders!!

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Teenage Drinking is More Complicated Than It Seems

By Melissa Ronan, LMSW, Pelham Together Executive Board Member, and Chair of the Pelham Together Mental Health Committee

It’s not just that your teen is drinking. The bigger issue with teenage drinking is that many kids drink to cope instead of learning to cope. And teens with mental health problems often drink to self-medicate, camouflaging the symptoms of underlying issues that are developing. Studies show that the later kids start drinking, the less likely they are to ever develop a substance abuse problem. So delaying or minimizing teen drinking has significant long-term benefits to their physical and emotional well-being.

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How Do I Tell If My Child Has An Eating Disorder

Second in our series for Mental Health Awareness Month is this podcast by Lisa Damour, PhD, "How Do I Tell If My Child Has An Eating Disorder." While the episode first aired during the pandemic, the topic and her suggestions are still relevant, insightful, and actionable. We have been asked for information on this topic more and more, among all genders, across ages, races, and ethnicities.

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Bullying Prevention and Intervention: What Works and What Doesn't

On March 8, 2023, Make Caring Common of Harvard University hosted a webinar with bullying expert, Dr. Dorothy Espelage, to discuss bullying prevention and intervention. It was EXCELLENT. Check out a write up of key takeaways—including a discussion of what is bullying? What does and doesn’t work to prevent it?—and a recording of the full webinar is at the end.

This event was chocked full of resources, recommendations, and fabulous information for parents, schools, and communities.

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ANNOUNCING! Pelham Together Counseling

Pelham families are well aware of how difficult it can be to find available, affordable counseling.  Add to that the great need for mental health support for our young people right now, and many find themselves in stressful and difficult circumstances. Pelham Together is facing the situation head on by launching Pelham Together Counseling.

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