An 88-page guide to figuring out whether your child is depressed, ways to communicate and support your child, where to turn for help and how to find a therapist.
Read MoreThe achievement culture in which our young people grow up was lifted slightly during the pandemic, and some studies show that improved their mental health. But it was short lived, and the pressure is back on. Parents play a mitigating role here. This article, as supported in studies by Dr. Suniya Luthar and Dr. Denise Pope, suggests that parents adjust the benchmarks they use to measure their child’s success in support of their mental health.
Read MoreAre you worried about your child? This simple guide will help you start a productive conversation with your child, and will prepare you to listen and support your child effectively.
Read MorePanic is a terrible feeling, but there is hope for dealing with this challenge (whether for you, a friend, loved one, or family member) and I’ll describe the first steps that you can take in this article.
Read MoreDetective John Hynes from the Village of Pelham Police Department shares information on the Westchester County Social Host Law with the Pelham Together Advisory Board.
Read MorePelham Together is excited to announce our roll out of GoZen!, a fun, educational stress management program for kids. GoZen!’s online animated programs allow kids to learn about worry, anxiety, stress and more, and how to transform those challenging feelings into confidence, courage and resilience. Read more for FREE ACCESS to these programs and resources!
Read MoreFrom the NYT — From lost time with grandchildren to canceled vacations, we need to give ourselves permission to mourn. There is a name for grief that isn’t routinely acknowledged: disenfranchised grief.
Read MoreThere is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are healthy ways to deal with the grieving process. These tips can help.
Read MorePsychologists Sherman A. Lee and Robert Neimeyer recently surveyed more than 800 American adults who had lost a loved one to covid-19. What they found was alarming, they report in a paper just published in the journal Death Studies.
Read MoreWhile there is no one perfect way to respond or to support someone you care about, here are some good ground rules.
Read MoreFor 21 days, do one action to further your understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity. The plan includes suggestions for readings, podcasts, videos, observations, and ways to form and deepen community connections.
Read MoreOn March 4, 2021, a panel of local medical professionals serving Pelham and our surrounding communities gathered to answer many of our questions on where we stand with the coronavirus today—from vaccines, to variants, to immunity. We are so grateful to our panelists for sharing their time, expertise, and sense of calm with all of us. Read more for a link to the full recorded event.
Read MoreWhether you are looking for activity ideas for long days at home, or links to Covid-19 statistical dashboards, or phone numbers and websites for testing or support for mental and emotional health, here is one page with links to all of it!
Read MoreOn January 28, 2021, Colorado Public Radio hosted a webinar with teens, a youth mental health professional, and youth advocate, author, and educator, Rosalind Wiseman. A panel of teens opened the discussion sharing in their own words what it has been like and how they are coping during this pandemic. Such a thoughtful group of young people, with meaningful suggestions that should make us all think. The recording is well worth the listen!
Read MoreWow! What a night! Pelham Together and the Pelham Chamber of Commerce sponsored WinterFest on Saturday, January 9th, and the community responded with incredible enthusiasm and generosity to create a magical evening that brought everyone together, while keeping us safely apart.
Read MoreWhether you like to make New Year's resolutions or not, thinking about healthy habits is very common this time of year. This article is a reminder of all the benefits of exercise...and how easy it really can be to fit physical activity into our day.
Read MoreEspecially during the pandemic, it can be hard to tell what is typical teen behavior and when it would be beneficial to see a professional. For suggestions on places to look for help in answering this question, inside Pelham schools and outside, read more here.
Read MoreRead more about our super cool offer to get one of these super cool t-shirts!
Read MoreWhat a fantastic panel of experts we had last night! The full recording can be found here!
Read MoreConnecting with others is a tried and true way of getting support during rough patches; we need this more than ever right now. Pelham Together is hosting three Parents Talk groups this fall on different topics related to the different relationships in our lives.
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