Pelham Together, in partnership with the Pelham Council of PTAs, wants to help everyone get connected in this time of physical separation. Is there a neighbor you haven't seen? A friend you haven't heard from? Who can you check in on or connect with today? Take a minute this spring to reach out and let someone know you noticed. Be that someone! And pay it forward when someone reaches out to you! Read more here for some great ideas to get you started!
Read MoreQuarantine can be a very dangerous arrangement for those living with abuse. There has a been a noticeable increase in domestic violence nationally and internationally since the coronavirus pandemic began. Westchester County has a comprehensive list of resources for survivors of domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse that could literally be a life-saver.
Read MoreIt is a difficult subject, but in the current environment, it is wise to think through decisions regarding advance directives for ourselves and our family members. In this article, a medical social worker put together links to essential documents for naming health care proxies and DNR forms. No one wants to do this alone, so let’s talk with our loved ones about how we would like to be cared for in the event we get sick.
Read MoreFrom opportunities to volunteer, to articles and activities to help manage stress and anxiety, and much more, Pelham Together will continue to add resources for our community on this site. Please check back often!
Read MoreAt this extremely difficult time managing anxiety and stress levels during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be looking for mental health support for yourself or a loved one. Once you decide, you may be concerned about the cost. Pelham Together has researched a number of provider options in lower Westchester County, including the insurance they accept.
Read MoreNews of the coronavirus COVID-19 is everywhere, from the front page of all the papers to the playground at school. Many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be. Here is some advice from the experts at the Child Mind Institute.
Read MorePelham Together is proud to bring this interview with Dr. Gus Haracopos to our community.
Read MorePelham Together's paid summer internship program provides high school students with an opportunity to build leadership and job readiness skills and experience by participating in various projects working with different community leaders as mentors.
Read MorePelham Together is honored to present Heart of Pelham (HOP) Awards to senior Russ DeVico and junior Stevie Gristina, and HOP Jr. awards to Charlotte Drinkwine (8th grade) and George Negrin (7th grade). Thank you to our sponsors, Pelham Civic Association and Junior League of Pelham for their generosity.
Read MoreNancy’s ice cream truck is back…and now run by Pelham’s youth overseen by Pelham Together. Pelham’s youngest entrepreneurs will honor the legacy of a Pelham icon, Nancy, who ran this vintage ice-cream truck for over 20 years. Dubbed Project Nancy, the enterprise will continue the truck’s legacy of bringing joy to the community while also launching a unique opportunity for Pelham teens to gain valuable work experience through operating and running a fun and dynamic business.
Read MoreParents need one another! That was the impetus behind the events organized by Pelham Together around the new book, Grown & Flown: How to Support Your Teen, Stay Close as a Family, and Raise Independent Adults during January 2020. Authors Lisa Heffernan and Mary Dell Harrington, are the co-founders of the #1 parenting blog and online resource for parenting teenagers.
Read MoreStress is a natural part of life, and a small amount can keep us on our toes. And then there are midterms, finals, performances, playoffs, and so much more, that might send you looking for some relief! Look no further! Download some tips, coloring pages, exercises, and more!
Read MoreNationwide, student health surveys, like the one conducted in Pelham last year among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, show astonishing growth in in anxiety among teens. When we return to school in the new year, the transitions to next school year will begin. Articles such as this remind us to pause and consider all the variables our kids are juggling, the message we send them about what is important, and what path provides them the most balance. Read full article here.
Read MoreDid you join us for Chris Herren's documentary, The First Day? Were you at a Parents Talk event where we met in small groups to support each other on this parenting journey? Did you mentor a teen this summer, or was your teen an intern? If so, here to look back on those fond memories, or, if not, consider this your SparkNotes version! We are so grateful for your role in pulling Pelham together and look forward to continuing this work in 2020. Read more here to find out how impactful our programs have been to some of your neighbors, and plan to join us in the coming year!
Read MoreWe know the importance of celebrating our kids' kindnesses. What a gift you can give a Pelham teen! Nominate them for the Heart of Pelham (HOP) award to recognize their kindness, perseverance, compassion, and integrity. Nominate here:
Read MoreActs of kindness are very powerful, for the giver as much as the receiver. This excellent article in The Atlantic suggests that adults set children up for success by noticing their kind and generous character, not just their grades and goals scored. What do you think?
Read More“[K}ids between the ages of 15 to 19... experienced a 76 percent increase in suicide between 2007 and 2017. In 2017 suicide was the second leading cause of death for people in this age range. … [T]he reality is, we need to be talking openly about suicide and suicidal ideation to reduce stigma and to keep children, adolescents, and young adults safe.”
Read MoreThis article provides links to several excellent resources.
Read More"The sense you want to give is, your child does not have permission to do this." We know from national studies and what our own Pelham teens say, parental disapproval is the #1 deterrent to substance use. Read article.
Read MoreTeens pulling away can be so hard for parents, but is totally a normal part of growing up. Read more here...
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