Family Services of Westchester, Inc.

Provider Type: Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors

Address: 507 Fifth Ave., Pelham, NY 10803

Virtual/In-Person: Both offered (as of 3/14/22)

Wait list: Yes, 2-3 months (as of 3/14/22)

Specialties: FSW offers a broad spectrum of services addressing the social, emotional and environmental factors that can have a negative impact on family life and can diminish an individual’s ability to function optimally. Counseling for children, adolescents and adults; individual, family and couples’ counseling available.

Approaches: Our culturally diverse staff delivers services with respect, empathy and cultural sensitivity. Every individual is honored for his or her uniqueness. Our work is always strength based and we realize that treatment should be consumer driven. Individuals and families establish and work on the goals they want to achieve.

Fees: Varies by clinician.

Insurance: Yes: Medicaid, MMC, Affinity, MVP, Fidelis; commercial insurances EXCEPT Cigna, Aetna, Pomco, BCBS.

Sliding Scale Offered: Yes

Phone: 914-738-1728

Website: fsw-mental-health-center

Licenses / Certifications: LCSW, LMSW, LMHC, LMFT, MD, NP; FSW is licensed by the New York State Office of Mental Health.