Pelham Together Summer Internship '23 - Another Great Success!

During July and August 2023, Pelham Together hosted their popular Summer Internship program with almost 30 teens and 25 mentors, and two recent graduates of the program were mentors for this years’ interns.  The program included two sessions with mentors, as well as a 3-day leadership training seminar focused on communication skills, learning and leading styles, goal setting and team building.  As in prior years, teens were matched with local, or locally-connected, mentors to spend 30 hours of paid work together.  Throughout the program, the interns are guided and supported byPelham Together’s Youth Advocate, Danielle Marrero.  Danielle is on hand to help them navigate conversations and questions that naturally come up in, what is for many, their first job.    

Our list of mentors represents a full range of industries and work environments. Mentors from many local businesses, civic and non-profit groups, local and State government, Pelham School District and higher education, journalism and publishing.  Bonnie Dougan, mentor and creator of the new Pelham Living Magazine, had high praise for her intern, “My experience… with Charlotte was perfect. . .  She wanted to be involved in every part of the magazine-building process. Of course, she enjoyed the writing and editing piece but also requested to be a part of the sales, interviews, drop-ins, outreach, and social media portions.”  Likewise, Charlotte Cohn, PMHS 10th grader, reported having a great experience under Bonnie’s supervision.  She said, “I really learned a lot from this experience about having a job. I will use everything I’ve learned from this internship in the future. It was a very fulfilling experience overall.”

Another success story at the Pelham School District offices. Dr. Tom Callahan, Director of Mathematics and Science, had this to say about the program overall, “The internships Pelham Together coordinates are great experiences for young people.  Not only does the intern benefit from working in a real world setting, but the district benefits from the unique skill set and talent that these interns bring to us.  Hosting these students is always a highlight of summer for me!” One of Dr. Callahan’s interns, Jake Lubin, 11th grader, remarked  “I (sic) really enjoyed planning the Chasing Space events, and I am excited to host an elementary school book discussion. Overall, the internship was great for me, thanks for such a great opportunity.”

Mentors and Interns alike not only report positive experiences such as these, but 100% of interns report that the program brought them closer to a trusted adult and 100% report it increased their confidence. At the same time, 100% of mentors report that their intern made a positive impact on their organization and 100% say they would participate again. Both adults and young people indicate that this program makes a positive impact on the community. A win, win in our books!

Jennifer Breheny Wallace, in her new book, Never Enough, emphasizes the importance of young people feeling that they matter.  This quote stood out for us as being at the core of our Summer Internship Program, “Communities can really try to focus on helping kids know they’re needed, that the community depends on them. Ask them to pitch in, thank them. . .  Give kids in your community opportunities to be depended on and relied on.” Thank you to all the mentors in town who took the time to let our teens know how much they matter by participating in their lives in such a critical and meaningful way.

We are proud of our interns, our mentors, and our staff, for bringing this critical program to life.  If you are interested in learning more about our Summer Internship Program, becoming a mentor, or Pelham Together in general, please click here.  Applications to apply to be an intern for Summer 2024 will be available on March 1 and due on April 1. Check back here for applications this spring.