PT Hosts Summer Internship Welcome Event at TD Bank

The Pelham Together Summer Internship Program has grown exponentially over the last five years, and this year is no exception. We are thrilled to welcome our new class of 30 interns for Summer 2023! The objective is to give Pelham  teens opportunities to work, build skills and confidence, and connect with adults from a variety of professions. After a 3-day leadership training, our teen interns are placed in local, or locally-connected, businesses, non-profit, and civic organizations to complete a 30-hour paid work experience over three weeks. There are a diverse range of mentors representing a wide range of industries giving young people a number of different opportunities to connect with their interests. These positions also often lead to connections with adults that young people have moving forward—for recommendations, advice, and general guidance and support. From post-program surveys, 100% of interns indicated they increased their confidence and established connections with a trusted adult as a result of the program.

This year, we kicked off the Internship Program with a welcome event held at TD Bank to congratulate our new class of interns, and start everyone off with some activities to encourage adult-to-youth interaction. For anyone considering becoming a mentor, we encourage you to consider the feedback we receive every year from interns who ask for even more time to interact with adults. It is one of the reasons we added this welcome event to the program, and it has such a tremendous and positive impact on a young person. 

Thank you to TD Bank for their generosity in hosting this event for our interns and mentors, complete with delicious dinner. They are another example of the Pelham business community recognizing the role we all play in supporting our youth.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor for next year, please reach out to Laura Caruso at