WinterFest 2023 Brought Pelham Together!

On a very cold February 4th, Pelham got a little warmer by coming together at the Daronco Townhouse to celebrate who we are as a community with an evening showcasing our local musicians and local “chefs.” WinterFest 2023 featured all local bands and solo artists, mostly teens, with a few adult artists in the mix. There were some well established bands and some new talent, and even a trumpeter from Albania! Each act brought roaring applause that we hope encourages those musicians to keep doing what they do! The chefs brought one-pot dishes from around the world, and one was more delicious than the next. We even had a local business support the event—Joe and Tony from Four Corners Pizza served up their “Italian Inspired Chili” and their kid-favorite “honey” pizza. Attendees spanned all ages—from babies in carriers to teens to parents, grandparents, and seniors who typically attend the summer concerts at the Gazebo— and the smiles and laughter made it clear that the community enjoyed the chance to come together.
Pelham Together believes that interpersonal connections make us strong, make us happy, and protect us from the loneliness and sadness that can settle in at any time, but particularly during the winter months. WinterFest began from an interest in bringing people together during the pandemic, when we had to physically stay apart. And even though we now can stand closer together, the event has pleasantly evolved into an evening where we take the time to remind one another of the importance of nurturing what makes our town a community, and our residents, neighbors. It matters for all of us, but most importantly we do it for our children.
Pelham Together is grateful to all the musicians and chefs who shared their respective talents and, in some cases, instruments; to the “fans” who came to cheer them on; to the volunteers, without whom we could not host this event; to our elected officials who came to support us; and to our sponsor, TD Bank.