Behavioral and Emotional Skills Training (3-session Webinar starting 4/7/23)

For parents of children with ADHD or behavior management issues, provided by the Child Mind Institute in NYC.

Adults caring for children often have questions about how to set clear expectations and manage behavior effectively. Especially when children exhibit challenging behaviors, adults want to know exactly how to address these situations with strategies that promote positive behavior, good social-emotional development and increased self-esteem.

The Child Mind Institute’s Behavioral and Emotional Skills Training (BEST)℠ provides this preparation for parents and caregivers. Informed by the most up-to-date research, clinicians provide caregivers with a structured and interactive training experience aimed at the teaching and immediate application of practical techniques for effective behavior management.

Cost: $225 (includes live parent consultation); $150 (without live parent consultation)

Learn more and register for the training or contact Lillian Hertzberg at 646.863.5408 or at