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October Is Digital Citizenship Month!


10/4: Webinar Parenting in the Digital Age-Fostering Well being and Resilience hosted by Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health; More info and recording (when available) found here.

10/13: Parents Talk: Raising Young Children In The Age of Screens, parents of children 5-12 years old. More info and register here.

10/17: Positive Post Its; PT Youth Council and PT Club at PMS rally their peers to leave positive notes for one another throughout the school hallways; PTAs organize the same at elementary schools.

10/18: Parent Information Session on Digital Fluency at 6pm followed by a Board of Education Work Session at 7pm; Pelham Middle School Library.

10/20: Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Screening of this film, followed by a panel discussion about teen stress, anxiety, and depression, connections to screens, tech, and social media, and how we can support building kids’ resilience and coping skills. Details and registration here.

10/24 - 10/28: Disconnect to Reconnect: Enjoy screen-free meals at our local restaurants! Check back for more info!