Our Teens Have Been Busy!

The PT youth groups have been busy celebrating the return to school and their peers the last couple of months! Activities have included Say Hi Day, Tailgate Together and Positive Post-Its. What these events have in common is that they encourage the kids to connect to one another—with words of support, some school spirit, or to simply say hello—it’s recognition that we all play a role in making others feel welcome.

The PT Youth Council chooses events they believe contribute to a positive and accepting environment, both at school and in the community. The high school students who are part of the Youth Council are mentors and role models for the students who are part of the PT Club at the middle school. Taking their cues from the high schoolers on the Youth Council, the middle schoolers brought Positive Post Its to PMS, and knocked it out of the park! They will also hold their own version of Say Hi Day in the coming weeks. At Glover Field, the Youth Council provides FREE beads and face paint at a table where kids can meet up with friends, hoping to make the rowdy student section a little easier to join for some of their peers!

If you have a child who is interested in joining one of the youth groups, please have them email our Youth Advocate, Danielle Marrero, at dmarrero@pelhamtogether.org. Next up, projects that connect older and younger youth centered around mindfulness and gratitude.