Parents Talk Fall 2020! Managing Our Relationships During Covid. . .

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Connecting with others is a tried and true way of getting support during rough patches, coming up with new ideas for tackling issues, and generally feeling relief from whatever nags at us. These days, we need this more than ever. Pelham Together is hosting three different groups, moderated by mental health professionals with specific experience in these areas to work through three topics:

Thursday, Oct. 29, 7:30-8:30pm
Moderated by Lauren Rosen, LCSW
Many of us are working from home, which isn't our usual routine. On top of that, our significant other/spouse/partner is also at home. The walls can feel like they are closing in with the extra bodies, as much as we love them. Making life even more challenging, our usual support network of friends and relatives might not be on the same page as we are regarding COVID protocol, the state of the world or how to cope with the realities of 2020. Share stories and learn some techniques to adapt as we embark on a new season together.

Saturday, Nov 7, 4:00-5:00pm
Moderated by Gus Haracopos, LCSW, PhD
Express your anxieties about what is really going on inside your teenager's head (and room!). Share suggestions for how teens may find healthy outlets and social opportunities in this limited environment. Learn how to spot early signs that your teen might benefit from some additional help, and how to work with your teen to get that support. (Depending upon interest, we might offer this in gender specific groups. Please let us know if that interests you in the final comment area at the bottom of the registration form.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 10:00-11:00am OR
Sunday, Nov. 8, 3:00-4:00pm
Moderated by Sarah Bren, PhD
Many people have expressed interest in brainstorming together ways to actively engage young kids in safe, social opportunities that provide connection during these colder months. Understand the signs of stress that young kids might exhibit, and learn strategies that you can use at home to help your kids acclimate to life today.

Groups will be held outside in person following social-distance protocols or by Zoom - details are listed on the registration form. If outdoors, there will be heat, and participants are asked to dress warmly and bring blankets. To ensure a safe environment, no food or drinks will be served.

There is no charge to participate, but any donations to Pelham Together are appreciated.