Police vCards
Village of Pelham Police (914) 738-2800
Village of Pelham Manor Police (914) 738-1000
Does your child have the number for local police saved in their phone? In light of recent events and just a good idea in general, Pelham Together is providing parents with a quick way to make sure your child has what he/she needs right at their fingertips in case of emergency.
How do I...?
Select the appropriate link below: "Village of Pelham" or "Village of Pelham Manor"
Smartphone or tablet
click the link below
this will automatically open the vCard in your "contacts" app
follow the prompts to add to your contacts
click the link below to download the vCard file
find the vCard file in your downloads folder or desktop
click to open the file, this should open your "contacts" program
follow the prompts to add to your contacts
How to share with family and friends
open the contact and follow the links to "share contact"
from a computer, attach the vCard file to an email or text message